Fort Pitt is recognized on FA’s RIA Ranking

FPCG in Fort Pitt News 6 July, 2016

We are proud to announce that we have been included in Financial Advisor’s 2016 RIA Ranking, which features the top registered investment advisors across the nation. Recognized in the $1 billion and over asset category, Fort Pitt is ranked as 113 out of 610 national firms.

The annual list weighs factors such as 2015 total assets, year-end assets, percentage growth in assets 2014-2015, assets per client, percentage growth in assets per client and percentage change in number of clients. The ranking was featured in the July issue of Financial Advisor, a prominent financial services industry publication.

We are happy to be a part of this elite ranking, and most importantly, we thank our clients for their continued trust and support in our work.

Rankings and recognitions by unaffiliated publications should not be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that Fort Pitt Capital Group LLC will provide a certain level of results in client accounts nor should they be construed as current or past endorsements of Fort Pitt by clients. Such publications base their selections on information prepared and/or submitted by the recognized entities.  Additional details regarding the criteria and process utilized in formulating these rankings are described below.
Financial Advisor Magazine – RIA Survey
This annual survey is performed by Financial Advisor Magazine as a means of measuring growth among independent advisors across the U.S. Firms must be registered investment advisors and provide financial planning and/or related services to individual clients. All firms must be either independently owned or a freestanding subsidiary of another business. Data is provided by each firm, mostly from numbers and information published on their Form ADV, including assets under management. Each participating advisor is then ranked alongside their participating peers.

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