GDPR: What Is It & How Does It Affect Me?

Recently, GDPR has been making headlines, but what is it? The General Data Protection Regulation is a law developed by the European Union (EU), which went into effect May 25, 2018. Regardless of where an organization is located, the law protects the personal information of all EU residents and requires organizations to maintain the privacy and security of their personal[...] Continue reading
7 June, 2018

Trusting Companies With Your Data in the Digital Era

Increasingly, companies are coming under pressure for not being able to protect consumer data. Recently, news came to light that millions of Facebook user records are being used and sold to a third party company. Facebook has over 2.2 billion users and now many users have lost trust in the popular social media platform in the aftermath of this news. If you’re weary of[...] Continue reading
11 April, 2018

How to Protect Your Online Accounts

Anyone with an online account is familiar with providing verification in order to login and access an account. Whether it’s to pay a bill, manage a service, or set up an appointment, a login and password is virtually always requested. These safeguards are put in place to protect the user’s personal information. While passwords are a great way to protect accounts,[...] Continue reading
16 January, 2018

Social Engineering – A Hacker’s Psychological Attack

According to cybersecurity experts at the SANS Institute, your best defense against social engineering is common sense. Believe it or not, hackers have learned that the easiest way to hack into a person’s computer or account is by tricking them into making a mistake. The cybersecurity world is using the term social engineering to describe this type of attack, and it[...] Continue reading
22 February, 2017

Cybersecurity Roundup

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, so we’re offering readers a recap of the most important cybersecurity posts we’ve put together courtesy of The SANS Institute. In today’s digital age, when most communication occurs via the internet, it’s imperative that people take precaution. Preventing a potential phishing attack Email serves as one of[...] Continue reading
24 October, 2016

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