James Hagerty

Business Analyst Email: jhagerty@fortpittcapital.com FOCUS As a Business Analyst, Jim concentrates on system implementation and application development. His area of focus is support of the portfolio management and trading teams. CAREER HIGHLIGHTS Jim began his career in 2004 as a performance analyst for a fixed income investment manager. Over 15 years in investment[...] Continue reading
21 August, 2020

Mary Giconi

Chief Compliance Officer Email: mgiconi@fortpittcapital.com FOCUS Mary is in charge of overseeing all aspects of compliance for the firm. Mary maintains a comprehensive Compliance Program as required by the many rules and regulations related to an SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) Registered Investment Advisor (RIA).  The Compliance Program is built around[...] Continue reading
21 August, 2020

J. Todd Douds, CFA®

Managing Partner & Chief Operating Officer Email: tdouds@fortpittcapital.com FOCUS As the COO, Todd acts as the integrator for the firm by coordinating the activities between all the company's departments. He is accountable for driving the formation of the firm's strategic direction and the execution of the business plan. CAREER HIGHLIGHTS Before joining Fort[...] Continue reading
21 August, 2020

Raquel Branchik

Portfolio Accountant Email: rbranchik@fortpittcapital.com FOCUS Raquel is responsible for the daily reconciliation of financial activity in our clients’ accounts and handling of internal business intelligence reporting. As a member of the Back Office Operations team, she works behind the scenes to verify that our client’s accounts are reconciled to the penny. This[...] Continue reading
21 August, 2020

Jay Sommariva

Managing Partner, Chief of Asset Management Email: jsommariva@fortpittcapital.com FOCUS Jay focuses on the management of the asset management team and oversees the investment process. He is also the dedicated fixed income portfolio manager responsible for the fixed income strategy of the firm. He pays close attention to the latest economic and geopolitical[...] Continue reading
21 August, 2020

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