Overlooked Stocks Poised to Perform Amid COVID-19

Since the start of the global pandemic in Q1 2020, investors and analysts have of course kept a close eye on how COVID-19 impacted stocks and sectors (negatively and positively). On one hand, it’s no secret that some sectors, such as transportation and tourism, took a massive hit, while sectors like healthcare and technology have performed quite well over the year. As[...] Continue reading
28 December, 2020

How COVID-19 Will Spark Change Among Charitable Giving

Over the last few months, and especially the last few weeks of the year, we have seen a notable uptick in charitable giving efforts – both from the standpoint of individuals wanting to support causes near and dear to them, and in maximizing tax-efficient strategies before year-end. 2020, however, has been an interesting year and we expect that COVID-19 will not only[...] Continue reading
7 December, 2020

How to Pass on Your Money Without Spoiling Your Children

Written by: Bradley Newman, CFP® | Lead Financial Advisor If you have sufficient assets in your portfolio, you're probably planning on leaving a portion of them to your children. While passing on your wealth gives your offspring a head start and safety net as they move forward in life, it's crucial that they know the proper ways to handle their inheritance without[...] Continue reading
5 November, 2020

Compliance Corner: Trusted Contacts Amid COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to stay at home. Although this has provided people with the opportunity to spend more time with their families, it has also taken a toll on income and finances. To continue making payments on expenses, such as mortgages and bills, some investors have had to tap their retirement accounts for extra funds.  Under the CARES[...] Continue reading
13 October, 2020

Webinar: Impact of COVID 19 on Healthcare Costs

Healthcare costs can be complex, and COVID 19 has created further confusion about changes to costs and the impact of the pandemic on healthcare. We hosted a webinar to address important questions and topics with Jason Seltzer from Engle-Hambright & Davies, INC (EHD) including the evolution of voluntary benefits, remote work and solutions for administering benefits and[...] Continue reading
7 October, 2020

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