When is the right time to start working with a financial advisor?

Why do people turn to a personal trainer? It’s because they have a goal to achieve whether it’s to lose weight, to add muscle or tone their body, or just to lead a healthier lifestyle. They seek the help of a professional to keep them guided, on track, and accountable while they aim to reach these health objectives. The same concept should apply to people working with[...] Continue reading
12 November, 2019

Financial Priorities for Early 20-Somethings

Being a young adult in your early 20s is an exciting chapter likely filled with elements of change and added responsibility. Going from college to the working world, and having a steady paycheck, means financial planning should come to the forefront. For 20-somethings to set themselves up for future success, planning should start as early as possible to lay a strong[...] Continue reading
5 August, 2019

Can You Really Afford a Dog?

If you’re currently a dog owner, you know how awesome it is to have a furry friend by your side, but have you thought about how much your pal can cost? It is important to think with your wallet, and not your heart, because studies show the lifetime cost of owning a dog ranges from $5,000 – $20,000. Many people underestimate how much they’ll actually pay for their[...] Continue reading
21 June, 2019

Tip of the Month: Social Security Missteps to Avoid

April is National Social Security Month and it aims to educate Americans about Social Security benefits, programs and services. Since Social Security typically accounts for a large portion of an investors retirement income, here are some common missteps investors may want to avoid when it comes to collecting this benefit: Taking the benefit too early. Some people[...] Continue reading
22 April, 2019

Getting Married Later in Life? Financial Protection Is Just as Important as Romance

Before any marriage, it’s important to talk to your soon-to-be spouse about finances. But this discussion becomes even more important if you are getting married later in life. Whether it’s a first marriage in your 40s or you’re getting remarried after a divorce, you’ve typically built up your assets once you’ve been working for a couple of decades. You have a[...] Continue reading
18 April, 2019

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